Welcome to the vote for proposed changes to the ALEX tokenomics. The full proposal can be reviewed here (https://medium.com/alexgobtc/proposed-changes-to-alex-tokenomics-24da75dc777). This is the preliminary vote which will cover the changes with the longest time horizon to implementation: changes to emissions and staking. >> Moving from a fixed emissions schedule to dynamic emissions relative to the trading volume on the platform >> Manual ALEX staking & atALEX will be replaced by ALEX / escrowALEX continuous staking. APower is the only token needed for voting to ensure the existing community of ALEX users is fairly represented. Voting will begin at block height 85,065 and conclude at block height: 85,870. For further details on voting and implementation procedure can be found here (https://medium.com/alexgobtc/procedure-for-new-tokenomics-vote-and-implementation-173cb48fe355). Thank you for your participation in the governance and future direction of ALEX!
User name | Option | No. of votes | Voting power |
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Yes, change from fixed emission to dynamic emissions | - |
No, keep emissions fixed as they are | - |